
Clash of Clans Balans Veranderingen September 2024

Clash of Clans Balanswijzigingen September 2024

Clash of Clans brengt nieuwe balans veranderingen die in het spel zullen worden gelanceerd in de September 2024 Aktualisierung. Deze balans veranderingen hebben Nerfs en Buffs van verschillende helden Ausrüstung, Zauber, Belagerungs-Maschinen en troepen in COC.

Supercell probeert altijd evenwicht te bewaren tussen aanvallen en Verteidigungen. Dus als de aanvallen zo gemakkelijk worden om het stadhuis te vernietigen, dan verlaagt Supercell hun kracht. Evenzo, als de Verteidigung zo sterk wordt tegen de Angriff, dan verlagen ze de kracht van de Verteidigung. Ze hebben de wijzigingen zorgvuldig aangebracht na een goede observatie en door feedback van spelers.

Balans Veranderingen in Helden Ausrüstungen

Helden Ausrüstung maakt de Helden sterker en voegt verschillende Fähigkeiten aan ze toe. Met deze Fähigkeiten kunnen de Helden hun rol spelen in aanvallen en het voor de speler gemakkelijk maken om de Basen van de tegenstander te vernietigen. Clash of Clans gaat de kracht van sommige Ausrüstung in evenwicht brengen in de balans Aktualisierung van september 2024.

Reus Handschoen Nerfs

Reus Handschoen is de Ausrüstung van de BarbarenKönig. Zelf Genezing, Schaden per Sekunde en Inkomende schade reductie van Reus Handschoen van Level 19 tot Level 27 zijn verminderd.

Gedetailleerde Nerfs wijzigingen van Reus Handschoen worden vermeld in de volgende tabel waarin ik de huidige en nieuwe statistieken heb toegevoegd, zodat je de balans veranderingen van Reus Handschoenen gemakkelijk kunt begrijpen.

Ausrüstung LevelsZelf GenezingSchaden per SekundeInkomende Schade ReductieHuidigNieuw% Veranderingen

Stekelbal Nerfs

Stekelbal is de Ausrüstung van de BarbarenKönig. Het aantal Ziele (Bal Bounce) van Stekelbal is verminderd. Gedetailleerde Nerfs wijzigingen van Stekelbal worden vermeld in de volgende tabel waarin ik de huidige en nieuwe statistieken heb toegevoegd, zodat je de balans veranderingen van Stekelbal gemakkelijk kunt begrijpen.
LevelsBal Bounce
Levels 1-2-1
Levels 3-5-3
Levels 6-11-2
Levels 12-27-1

Bevroren Pijl Nerfs

Bevroren Pijl is de Ausrüstung van Bogenschützen-königin. Het vertragings percentage van Bevroren Pijl is verminderd. Gedetailleerde Nerfs wijzigingen van Bevroren Pijl worden vermeld in de volgende tabel waarin ik de huidige en nieuwe statistieken heb toegevoegd, zodat je de balans veranderingen van Bevroren Pijl gemakkelijk kunt begrijpen.
Ausrüstung LevelsVorst Percentage
Levels 1-230%
Levels 3-535%
Levels 6-840%
Levels 9-1145%
Levels 12-1450%
Levels 15-1755%
Levels 18-2060%
Levels 21-2365%
Levels 24-2670%
Level 2775%

Eeuwige Wälzer Nerfs

Eeuwige Wälzer is de Ausrüstung van de Großer Wächter. De Fähigkeit Duur van Eeuwige Wälzer is verminderd. Gedetailleerde Nerfs wijzigingen van Eeuwige Wälzer worden vermeld in de volgende tabel waarin ik de huidige en nieuwe statistieken heb toegevoegd, zodat je de balans veranderingen van Eeuwige Wälzer gemakkelijk kunt begrijpen.
Ausrüstung LevelsDuur
Level 65.50s
Level 75.75s
Level 86.00s
Level 97.00s
Level 107.20s
Level 117.40s
Level 128.00s
Level 138.20s
Level 148.40s
Level 159.00s
Level 169.10s
Level 179.20s
Level 189.50s

Genezing Wälzer Nerfs

De Genezing Wälzer is de Ausrüstung van de Großer Wächter. De Fähigkeit Duur van Genezing Wälzer is verminderd. Gedetailleerde Nerfs wijzigingen van Genezing Wälzer worden vermeld in de volgende tabel waarin ik de huidige en nieuwe statistieken heb toegevoegd, zodat je de balans veranderingen van Genezing Wälzer gemakkelijk kunt begrijpen.
Ausrüstung LevelsDuur
Level 1-21.60s
Level 3-517.5s
Level 6-819.0s
Level 9-1120.5s
Level 12-1422.0s
Level 15-1723.5s
Level 1825.0s

Wut Edelsteen Nerfs

Wut Edelsteen is de Ausrüstung van de Großer Wächter. De Schaden Schub % van Wut Edelsteen is verminderd. Gedetailleerde Nerfs wijzigingen van Wut Edelsteen worden vermeld in de volgende tabel waarin ik de huidige en nieuwe statistieken heb toegevoegd, zodat je de balans veranderingen van Wut Edelsteen gemakkelijk kunt begrijpen.
Ausrüstung LevelsSchaden Boost %
Levels 1-220%
Levels 3-525%
Levels 6-830%
Levels 9-1135%
Levels 12-1440%

Haste Vial Nerfs

Haste Vial is the equipment of the Royal Champion. Ability Duration of Haste Vial has been reduced. Detailed Nerfs changes of Haste Vial are mentioned in the following table in which I have added the current and new stats so that you can easily understand the balance changes of Haste Vial.
Equipment LevelsDuration
CurrentNew% Changes
Levels 1-29.0s7.0s-22%
Levels 3-59.5s7.5s-21%
Levels 6-810.0s8.0s-20%
Levels 9-1110.5s8.5s-19%
Levels 12-1411.0s9.0s-18%
Levels 15-1711.5s9.5s-17%
Level 1810.0s10.0s-17%

Hog Rider Puppet

Hog Rider Puppet is the equipment of the Royal Champion. Summoned Units level of Hog Rider Puppet has been reduced. Detailed Nerfs changes of Hog Rider Puppet are mentioned in the following table in which I have added the current and new stats so that you can easily understand the balance changes of Hog Rider Puppet.
Equipment LevelsHog Level
CurrentNew% Changes
Levels 3-565-17%
Levels 6-876-14%
Levels 9-1197-22%
Levels 12-14118-27%
Levels 15-17119-18%
Level 181311-15%

Balance Changes in Spells

Clash of Clans Spells make your attack more effective. They can change a losing attack into a winning attack because of their effects on the Troops. Clash of Clans is going to balance the spells in the September 2024 balance update.

Overgrowth Spell Nerfs

The Overgrowth spell makes the buildings ignorable for the attacker’s troops if the attacker uses the spell on the misleading and distracting buildings. This September Clash of Clans has reduced the duration of the effect of the overgrowth spell.
LevelsDuration Reduced
CurrentNew% Changes
Level 224s23s-4%
Level 326s24s-8%
Level 428s25s-11%
All Levels7 Tiles6 Tiles-14%

Balance Changes in Troops

Clash of Clans upcoming September 2024 update is also bringing some balance changes for troops including Valkyrie, Druid, and Super Barbarian like decreasing hitpoints and reducing healing points & damage per second.


Valkyrie is a powerful warrior who is strong enough for defense and also in attacks to destroy opponent’s buildings. Clash of Clans is going to make changes in hitpoints of Valkyrie at townhall 15 and 16.
LevelsHitpoints Reduced
CurrentNew% Changes
Level 1128002600-7%


This complicated dark elixir troop is going to reduce its healing power after this upcoming balance changes update. Now Druid will heal less no of fellows from townhall 14 to th16.
LevelsHealing Target Reduced
CurrentNew% Changes
All levels43-25%

Super Barbarian

The first super troop “Super Barbarian” which is a dreamy barbarian will not get most affected due to this balance changes at its initial levels but will decrease its damage per second at its max level (level 12). Super Barbarian will cause 250 DPS at TH16 from now onward.
LevelsDamage Per Second
CurrentNew% Changes
Level 12260250-4%

Earthquake Boots Buffs

The Barbarian King’s hero equipment that allows him to use a strong ability of earthquake spell and instantly destroy walls is going to be more powerful. September update 2024 will expand the damage of earthquake boots and also increase its hitpoints from TH8 to TH16.

LevelsDamageHitpoints Increase
CurrentNew% ChangesCurrentNew% Changes
Level 9-113540+14%---
Level 124050+25%---
Level 134050+25%11401200+5%
Level 144050+25%12951500+16%
Level 154555+22%14491800+24%
Level 164555+22%16042100+31%
Level 174555+22%17582300+31%
Level 185060+20%19132500+31%

Barbarian Puppet Buffs

Spawning multiple barbarians and doing more damage at the enemy’s base with the help of this hero equipment will be more destructive after Sep 2024. Clash of Clans will increase hitpoints for Barbarian Puppet at various levels.
LevelsHitpoints Increase
CurrentNew% Changes
Level 1315201596+5%
Level 1417261898+10%
Level 1519322222+15%
Level 1621382458+15%
Level 1723442812+20%
Level 1825503060+20%
All LevelsAbility Duration: 10s → 20s
Spawn Rate: 5 per 0.5s

Archer Puppet

Just like the Barbarian Puppet, Archer Queen’s hero equipment ”Archer Puppet” is also becoming super strong because it is now getting invisibility ability with different time durations at different levels of this equipment. Clash of Clans is also changing its spawn rate.
LevelsArcher Invisibility Duration
Level 1-23.5s
Level 3-54.0s
Level 6-84.5s
Level 9-115.0s
Level 12-145.5s
Level 15-176.0s
Level 186.5s
All LevelsArchers spawn with invisibility
Spawn Rate: 5 per 1.0s

Life Gem Buffs

The Grand Warden will also get more “maximum hitpoint increase” for Life Gem and cause more HPs to his fellow troops around its magical area.
-Max HP Increase
Equipment LevelsCurrentNew% Changes
Level 1-2275330+6%
Level 3-5350420+9%
Level 6-8425510+11%
Level 9-11500600+12%
Level 12-14575690+14%
Level 15-17650780+17%
Level 18725870+20%

Rocket Spear Buffs

Clash of Clans is also fixing an equipment for Royal Champion by increasing its attack count at TH13, 14, 15 and 16. Now Rocket Spear will have more no of attacks and cause much more damage.
-Attack Count
Equipment LevelsCurrentNew% Changes
Level 1-857+40%
Level 9-1768+33%
Level 18-2679+28%
Level 27810+25%

Siege Machine Donation Caps

Clash of Clans announced another update with September balance changes 2024 specifically for donating siege machines from TH10 to TH14. This update will limit the donation for siege machines to the next 2 levels which means if you are at town hall level 11 and you have asked for a donation, you can only receive the siege machines that are unlocked till TH13.
-Town Hall 10Town Hall 11Town Hall 12Town Hall 13Town Hall 14
Siege MachinesCurrentNewCurrentNewCurrentNewCurrentNewCurrentNew
Wall Wrecker32434-5-5-
Battle Blimp32434-4-4-
Stone Slammer32434-5-5-
Siege Barracks3none42434-5-
Log Launcher3none42434-5-
Flame Flinger3none4none424354
Battle Drill------4243


All these changes will be applied when Clash of Clans September 2024 balance changes occur officially. There are a lot of surprising updates this September. Stay connected to get all the latest updates and upgrade your Clash of Clans journey with new exciting features coming with this new update. Keep Clashing Chief!

Source of all the stats and information added to this page

These stats are taken from the official announcements about this upcoming September balance changes update by Supercell on their social platforms.

Official Supercell Page

Official Clash of Clans Reddit

Offical Clash of Clans Facebook Page

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Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson
Mein Name ist Michael Johnson. Ich spiele das Clash of Clans Spiel seit 2015. Ich bin der Anführer eines Clans (Mein Clan Name ist Most Wanted) und leite auch ein Team von 150 Leuten, die mehr als 10.000 Accounts betreiben. Wir sind diejenigen, die alle Höhen und Tiefen dieses Spiels gesehen haben.
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