
clash of clans Bases 2025

Clash of Clans bases from experienced players help you defeat your opponents in wars or clan war leagues (CWL). In the Clash of Clans game, everyone can attack anyone but the good Town Hall (TH) or Builder Hall (BH) bases always give a tough time to the opponent.

Town Hall Bases

Builder Hall Bases

Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is an epic combat strategy game released on August 2, 2012. Supercell developed it. It is available on the Play Store, but you can also play it from your laptop. You can play the game if you are a teenager, young, or any age. 

You can build and upgrade your village including defense buildings, storage and mines, troops, and army camps. You can create your clans and a team of players and play wars with other clans. You can normally attack other players. Make your bases stronger to keep your village safe. New events and much more fun are waiting for you.
clash of clans main icon barbarian

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It is an official video published by the Clash of Clans game on their youtube channel.

Clash of Clans Live & Upcoming Events For March 2025

We have covered the live events notifications that appear in the game event section. You can check the Clash of Clans live and upcoming events for March 2025 in the following section.

March season 2025 Complete track

It is an official video published by the Clash of Clans game on their Youtube Channel


Today's Events

Clan Games

Time Left:

Clan Games
It’s time for the Clan Games, Chief! Earn more points, complete greater Challenges and win Magic items from the Clan Games during this event.

Shooting Range

Time Left:

shooting range
Sharpen your aim with the Shooting Range Super Decoration and put some “practice holes” in the Goblin Builder’s cheesy grin!

Quickfire Queen

Time Left:

quickfire queen
Don’t blink, you’ll miss your demise! The QuickFire Queen delivers every shot with a devastating one liner. “That’s gonna hurt tom-arrow.” She’ll leave you needing a Revive Spell!

Jetpack Warden

Time Left:

Jetpack Warden
He’s the tech guy, but you won’t find him hacking a mainframe From the sidelines! The Jetpack Warden soars into battle using an ingenious rocket powered jetpack! Sometimes, technology beats wizardry

Minion General

Time Left:

general minion
Think of the baddest bad guy you know… now multiply that by 10! World domination is the only thing on the Minion General’s evil mind! It’s a shame the Action Heroes ALWAYS ruin his plans.

Sniper Champion

Time Left:

sniper champion 2025
The Action Heroes’ sharpshooting specialist! The Sniper Champion makes enemies sweat bullets by launching high-accuracy spears from afar! If you’re in her sights, it’s already too late!

Military Scenery

Time Left:

Military scenary Clash of Clans March 2025
A bustling boot camp that turns average Troops into Action Heroes! Only the strong survive, so toughen up soldiers!

Action Heroes Unite!

Time Left:

action heroes unite

Buckle up, soldier! The villainous Minion General is striking across the land like a Lightning Spell. There’s only one Fighting Force strong enough to stop him: the Action Heroes!

Work For Hire

Time Left:

Out of Builders? Is your Laboratory busy? For a few extra Gems, you can now hire Goblins to build and research for you! Goblin Builder is available if you have 5 Builder’s Huts.

Why Bases-COC?

My team has been playing this game for 10 years and is now sharing our best COC Bases with you. Copy the best layouts of any Town Hall or Builder Hall level freely. We provide Anti-air layouts, Anti 2-star layouts, Anti-ground layouts, War layouts, CWL layouts, Anti-trophies layouts, Farming layouts, Progress layouts, Hybrid layouts, and Art/fun layouts.

Our Town Hall Bases

Townhall bases are the main part of the Clash of Clans game. These are the most playable and useable bases in the game. We are providing town hall bases from th3 to th16. You can choose your town hall and see all the town hall bases according to your needs. We have designed and categorized them according to their places.

For example: In war bases, we focus on keeping the town hall not broken and not letting the opponent get the stars. Similarly, in farm bases, we designed our bases to keep our resources safe when someone attacks us.

Our Builder Hall Bases

Builderhall bases are the second part of the Clash of Clans game. These are the second playable and useable bases in the game. In the builder hall, we can only get one option to attack: one-on-one attack. If you want to attack someone, then at the same time, the opponent will attack your builderhall base.

If you have a good builder hall base, then you will get more trophies and more loot resources from the attacks. To play effectively, we have to design the builderhall effectively.

Play Video about Builder Hall Thambnail For Website Best Builder Hall Level 10 Base with Link, Anti Air Layout - Clash of Clans BH10 (02)

Clash of Clans Seasons

Getting upgraded to Townhall 7 and onwards brings new seasonal challenges every month. These seasons start on the day one of the month and wind up at the end. Monthly seasons in the game Clash of Clans offer players to earn rewards by completing weekly and daily tasks. The rewards are divided into two tracks: The free track and the Gold Pass track.

An Action Packed Season March 2025

Clash of Clans “Action Heroes” Season March 2025 is full of new challenges and events. You are going to enjoy:

  • Gold Pass
  • Challenge Level
  • CWL
  • Mini Medal Event
  • Clan Games
  • Star Bonus X4 Event
  • Sneak Peeks March 2025
  • Chest Event

Clash of Clans Updates

Clash of Clans keeps engaging the players by regularly launching new ideas, exciting features, and stunning events in the game. Clash of Clans updates bring bug fixes, fair play policies, quality of life improvements, balance changes, strategies, and cost & time reduction for upgrading levels. COC updates usually introduce new Townhalls, new heroes, new spells, new troops, new defenses, and new buildings. In addition, Clash of Clans updates don’t merely change the gaming world but also set new trends and promote advancement with its fresh content.

Clash of Clans March Update 2025 is released

The March Update 2025 is released officially by Clash of Clans. In this major update, COC has brought new features and levels for troops and defenses. 

March Update 2025

  • New Troop: Furnace
  • New Pet: Sneezy
  • Minion Prince Equipment: Noble Iron
  • Training Time removed
  • QOL Improvements & Bug Fixes
  • New Levels
March update 2025 - Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans Special Events

Every season, Clash of Clans brings a special event apart from the other events in the game to keep players engaged and bring excitement to new heights. These events offer unique challenges and rewards that encourage the players to upgrade their gaming experience.

Treasure Hunt March 2025 - Clash of Clans

New Treasure Hunt of March 2025 is started in Clash of Clans. New perks, premium heroes skins and equipments and much more rewards are waiting for you. Supercell has changed some rules in this Treasure Hunt event. You can collect upto 21 chests (3 per day). If you miss first day or second day then you can get all the previous chest when you start attacking.

How to copy Clash of Clans bases?

If you want to copy the best Clash of Clans bases for townhall or builderhall COC Bases, you have to follow these steps. I have explained in detail how to copy Clash of Clans links for your bases/layouts.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose your townhall or builder hall.
  3. Open the layout.
  4. Click the button “Copy the layout”.
  5. After click on the button, it will open the game.
  6. Click on the base where you want to paste it.

Important Points:

  • If you want to copy the base link for any town hall, the same town hall should be in your Clash of Clans game. For example, if your town hall is 10 and you are trying to copy the base link of other town halls, it will not allow you to copy the base link. You have to copy the Townhall 10 base link. (Same rule for builder hall links)
  • If obstacles (stones, bushes, or other decorations) are on the base, the buildings in those places will be in a queue. You have to drag them to place them on your base.


frequently asked questions

These are used in the wars. These bases give opponents a tough time. These bases will not let the opponent to get stars. We keep the resources storages outside to slow down the opponent’s attacks.

These are normally used to keep our resources (gold, elixir, and dark elixir) safe from opponents in normal attacks. We placed the storages in the centre of the bases.

These are the combination of war and farming-based strategies. We don’t let the opponent to take much resources from our bases and also any star.

In these bases, we focus on air troops. These are also called anti-balloon, anti-dragon, and anti-electro bases. We deploy the air defenses inside to keep them safe so that they will get more damage to the opponent’s troops.

These are used for the builder base of the town hall. There are a total of 10 builder hall bases.

These are designed so that the attackers will not get 2 stars. We keep our town hall at the center and other defenses around it.

These are designed so that attackers will not get 3 stars. These are for the strong opponents so that they can not get 3 stars.

It’s very easy. You have to click the link, and the game will automatically open the base.

Yes, We are checking the latest updates on Clash of Clans. After any new release of the updates, we update all our bases accordingly.

We design these bases so that the attackers will not get trophies from our bases. This is mostly helpful when someone attacks on you to get some loot(resources).

These are safe and are created within the game. Nobody can edit these links.

super wizard
Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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Clash of Clans Alerts on Whatsapp

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