
clash of clans Bases BH4

The Builder hall upgrades to bh level 4 in a day, which costs 200,000 gold. This upgrade unlocks a new guard post, new Air Bombs, a Mega Mine, a Clock Tower, and many other things in clash of clans bases bh4. Another chamber is built up with gray stones on the roof, and a ladder is placed beside the second floor. Copy the best Clash of Clans bases links to get bh 04 layouts.

Builder Hall 4

Enhance time with the clock tower and explode your foes in battle.

Best BH 04 Bases with Links for COC Clash of Clans 2024

If you are designing your builder hall 4 (BH4) COC layout, then it’s very important to know about every building, defense, and all other things available on bh4. Because these things are used in designing the bh4 layouts. We have covered all the max levels of bh4 buildings, their hit points, and other stats as well.

Note: BH4 Stands for builderhall 4, Some people say it is a builder base as well. COC stands for Clash of Clans.


Unlocks of Builder Hall level 4

BH Clock Tower level 4

New Clock Tower

BH Guard Post level 4

New Guard Post

BH Air Bomb level 4

New Air Bombs

BH mega mine level 4

New Mega-Mine

BH Walls level 4

25 Walls

BH Army Camp

1 Army Camp

BH Archer Tower level 4

1 Archer Tower

BH push trap level 4

1 Push Trap

BH mine level 4

1 Mine

Buildings of Clash of clans bases BH4

Here is the list of max level of all buildings on bh4

  • Max level of army camp at bh4.
  • Max level of builder barracks at bh4.
  • Max level of star laboratory at bh4.
  • Max level of the clock tower at bh4.
Name Max Level Hitpoints
Builder Hall
Level 4
Army Camp
Builder Barracks
Level 6
Star Laboratory
Level 4
Clock Tower
Level 4


Here is the list of max level of all defenses on bh4

  • Max level of walls at bh4.
  • Max level of archer tower at bh4.
  • Max level of cannon at bh4.
  • Max level of double cannon at bh4.
  • Max level of hidden tesla at bh4.
  • Max level of firecrackers at bh4.
  • Max level of crusher at bh4.
  • Max level of guard post at bh4.
  • Max level of air bombs at bh4.
Name Max Level Hitpoints
Level 4
Archer Tower
Level 4
Level 4
Double Cannon
Level 4
Hidden Tesla
Level 4
Level 4
Level 4
Guard Post
Level 4
Air Bombs
Level 4


Here is the list of max level of all traps on bh4

  • Max level of push trap at bh4.
  • Max level of spring trap at bh4.
  • Max level of mine at bh4.
  • Max level of mega-mine at bh4.
Name Max Level Damage
Push Trap
Level 4
14 (Spring Capacity)
Spring Trap
Level 2
6 (Spring Capacity)
Level 4
Mega Mine
Level 4


Here is the list of max level of all resources on bh4

  • Max level of gem mine at bh4.
  • Max level of elixir collector at bh4.
  • Max level of elixir storage at bh4.
  • Max level of gold mine at bh4.
  • Max level of gold storage at bh4.
Name Max level Hit points
Gem Mine
Level 4
Elixir Collector
Level 4
Elixir Storage
Level 4
Gold Mine
Level 4
Gold Storage
Level 4


Here is the list of max level of all troops on bh4

  • Max level of raged barbarian at bh4.
  • Max level of sneaky archer at bh4.
  • Max level of boxer giant at bh4.
  • Max level of beta minion at bh4.
  • Max level of bomber at bh4.
  • Max level of baby dragon at bh4.
Name Max Level Hitpoints
Raged Barbarian
Level 8
Sneaky Archer
Level 8
Boxer Giant
Level 8
Beta Minion
Level 8
Level 8
Baby Dragon
Level 8


Raged Barbarian

The laboratory takes 20 hours to research the Raged Barbarian and upgrades him to level 8 which costs 330,000 elixir. He looks alike its level 6 at bh 3.

  • Damage per second: 83
  • Favorite Target: Any
  • Damage Type: Single Target
  • Targets: Ground
  • Units per camp: 04
  • Spring weight: 04
  • Movement speed: 19
raged barbarian level 8

Sneaky Archer

She takes 21 hours to upgrade to level 8 which costs 350,000 elixir. Sneaky Archer has the same look like her levels 6 and 7.

  • Damage per second: 79
  • Favorite Target: Any
  • Damage Type: Single Target
  • Targets: Ground & Air
  • Units per camp: 03
  • Spring weight: 03
  • Movement speed: 29
sneaky archer level 8

Boxer Giant

The Boxer Giant requires 380,000 elixir and takes a day to upgrade to level 8. He wore blue gloves at this level.

  • Damage per second: 76
  • Favorite Target: Defenses
  • Damage Type: Single Target
  • Targets: Ground
  • Units per camp: 01
  • Spring weight: 18
  • Movement speed: 14
boxer giant level 8

Beta Minion

It costs 360,000 elixir in a day to upgrade to level 8. Its horns are looking longer than its level 6 at bh 3.

  • Damage per second: 72
  • Favorite Target: Any
  • Damage Type: Single Target
  • Targets: Ground & Air
  • Units per camp: 03
  • Movement speed: 39
beta minion level 8


The builder barracks level 5 unlocks bomber which upgrades to level 8 with 360,000 elixir in a day. The size of the bomb this skeleton carries increases after this upgrade.

  • Damage per second: 90
  • Favorite Target: Walls (Damage x15)
  • Damage Type: Area Splash
  • Targets: Ground
  • Units per camp: 01
  • Spring Weight: 12
  • Movement speed: 19
bomber level 8

Baby Dragon

Upgrading builder barracks to level 6 brings the Baby Dragon with it. These baby dragons upgrade to level 8 taking a day with 400,000 elixir. After upgrading to this level the color of its wings turned mustard.

  • Damage per second: 68
  • Favorite Target: Any
  • Damage Type: Area Splash
  • Targets: Ground & Air
  • Units per camp: 01
  • Movement speed: 24
baby dragon level 8


Builder Barracks

It unlocks “Bomber” and “Baby Dragon” by upgrading to level 6. It takes 6 hours and requires 150,000 Elixir. A hole covered with an iron grill appears on the roof, and fire can be seen from this window.

BH Builder Barracks level 6

Star Laboratory

The lab takes eight hours and costs 300,000 Elixir to upgrade to level 4. Entrances turn golden, a Roman number presents the upgraded laboratory level 4, and a cylinder with a meter appears on the right side.

BH Star Laboratory level 4

Army Camp

A new Army Camp is added to the Builder base, and now a total of four army camps can station more troops.

BH Army Camp

Clock Tower

Reconstruction of Clock Tower is allowed at BH 04, and it can upgrade to level 4, which costs 300,000 Gold and 6 hours of upgrade time. The Roman numeral “iv” indicates its upgraded level and the fixing wooden bars transformed into metallic plates.

  • Boost Duration: 20 minutes
BH Clock Tower level 4


Archer Tower

Another Archer Tower is unlocked with the builder hall 4, and both of them upgrade to level 4. This upgrade takes 8 hours and 250,000 Gold per tower to build some metallic boundaries on the top of the Archer Tower. It is a very important building for the best clash of clans layout bh4.

Long Range

  • Damage per second: 53
  • Range: 10 Tiles
  • Damage Type: single target
  • Targets: Ground & Air
  • Favourite Target: Any

Fast Attack

  • Damage Per Second: 118
  • Range: 07 Tiles
  • Damage Type: single target
  • Targets: Ground & Air
  • Favourite Target: Any
BH Archer Tower level 4


A cannon can upgrade to level 4 in eight hours, costing 200,000 Gold. A layer of stones is designed under the base of the cannon.

  • Damage Per Second: 93
  • Range: 8.5 Tiles
  • Damage Type: Single target
  • Targets: Ground
  • Favourite Target: Any
BH Cannon level 4

Double Cannon

A double cannon takes 12 hours to upgrade to level 4 with the cost of 300,000 Gold. Metal strips replaced the ropes and the wooden base was converted to shiny metal fixed with blue metal pieces and nuts.

  • Damage Per Second: 113
  • Burst Fire: 4 shots
  • Damage Per Hit: 67
  • Range: 7 Tiles
  • Damage Type: Single target
  • Targets: Ground
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH Double Cannon level 4

Hidden Tesla

In builder hall 4 It allows us to upgrade hidden tesla to level 4 with 280,000 Gold taking 10 hours of upgrade time. A bigger toroid with a rounded coil appears on the top of the hidden Tesla with this upgrade.

  • Damage Per Second: 80
  • Range:7 tiles
  • Damage Type: Single target
  • Targets: Ground & Air
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH Hidden Tesla level 4


Upgrading firecrackers to level 4 takes 12 hours and 300,000 Gold. It will add a wide metallic layer under the wooden board. At builder hall level 4, we can build a strong layout using them.

  • Damage Per Second: 73
  • Burst Fire: 3 shots
  • Damage Per Hit: 25
  • Range: 9 tiles
  • Damage Type: Single target
  • Targets: Air
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH Firecrackers level 4


Crusher takes a day and 350,000 Gold to upgrade to level 4. Two blue metal strips replace the rope that fixes the crusher with nuts.

  • Damage Per Second: 167
  • Range: 2.3 tiles
  • Damage Type: Area splash
  • Targets: Ground
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH Crusher level 4

Guard Post

Builder Hall 4 unlocks a new defense “Guard Post”, that upgrades to level 4 in a day by utilizing 320,000 Gold. The Hut became higher by getting a metal base and a board at the entrance.

  • Defense Troops: 2
  • Troop Level: 8
BH Guard Post level 4

Air Bombs

This anti-air defense is unlocked at BH 04 and upgrades to level 4, which costs 360,000 Gold and two days of upgrade time. Its boundaries are rebuilt with dark gray stone blocks after upgrading.

  • Damage Per Second: 119
  • Range: 7.5 tiles
  • Damage Type: Area splash
  • Target: Air
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH Air Bomb level 4


Builder base has a total of 75 walls. They upgrade to level 4 for 50,000 Gold per wall unit. They are made of stones after the upgrade.

BH Walls level 4


Gem Mine

Gem Mine needs 450,000 Elixir and eight hours to upgrade to level 4, which adds a new pulley to the structure that fastens the Gem production. Blue metal covers also turn copper.

  • Capacity: 13
  • Production Rate: 2.8 per day
BH gem mine level 4

Elixir Collector

Upgrading the Elixir collector to level 4 takes 2 hours and 30,000 Gold. Its golden metallic cylinder becomes longer and gets a new pipe.

  • Storage Capacity: 43,200
  • Production Rate: 1800 per hour
BH elixir collector level 4

Elixir Storage

The elixir storage costs 300,000 Gold and 6 hours to upgrade to level 4. Now it has four glass domes instead of three to store more Elixir.

  • Storage Capacity: 350,000
BH elixir storage level 4

Gold Mine

Gold Mine upgrades to level 4 in 2 hours taking 30,000 Elixir. The number of brown strips covering the mine increased and stones also increased by the upgrade.

  • Storage Capacity: 43,200
  • Production Rate: 1800 per hour
BH gold mine level 4

Gold Storage

Gold Storage upgrades to level 4 taking 300,000 Elixir and 6 hours. The wooden structure became higher and a new blue strip appeared around it.

  • Storage Capacity: 350,000
BH gold storage level 4


Push Trap

Each push trap upgrades to level 4 with the cost of 20,000 Gold, taking two hours. Blue metallic triangular covers appeared on the corners after the upgrade.

  • Area of Effect: 3.5 Tiles
  • Trigger Radius: 1 tile
  • Favorite Target: Any
  • Targets: Ground
BH push trap level 4

Spring Trap

Each spring trap upgrades to level 2 in an hour with 30,000 Gold, and its spring becomes bold at this level.

  • Trigger Radius: 0.7 tiles
  • Favorite Target: Any
  • Targets: Ground
BH Spring Trap level 2


It takes two hours to upgrade to level 4 with 25,000 Gold. The barrel transformed into a ball-shaped container.

  • Area of Effects: 5 Tiles
  • Trigger Radius: 4 tiles
  • Damage Type: Area of splash
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH mine level 4

Mega Mine

Builder Hall 4 unlocks Mega Mine. It upgrades to level 4 and transforms into a big ball-shaped container, which costs 80,000 Gold and six hours of upgrade time. These mines are very helpful to secure and create a strong builder hall 4 bases.

  • Area of Effects: 4 Tiles
  • Trigger Radius: 3 tiles
  • Damage Type: Area splash
  • Favorite Target: Any
BH mega mine level 4


You can design the latest and best Clash of Clans bases bh4 or download/copy our latest and best base of builderhall 4 using the link because we have designed the best BH4 layouts for you.

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.