
Builder Hall 9 Base - Clash of Clans BH9 Bases 2025

Copy the best and updated BH9 Base design with links. Clash of Clans Builder Hall 9 Bases are redesigned by the experienced players after the latest update in the game. Choose any layout for your Builder Hall 9 base. We add unique BH9 COC bases on daily basis.

A little construction to complement all that destruction.

Builder Hall 9

Builder Hall 9 was officially released on June 18, 2019. Upgrading to Builder Hall 9 Base requires 3,800,000 gold and six days of upgrade time. Here a stony beam is built under the smokestacks, a mustard roof is built on the backside, and heavy marbles are placed under the front pillars. Clash of clans bases bh9 base has more things than bh8.

It unlocks a new army building “BOB Control” and a defense “Lava Launcher” with some other upgrades. Copy the links, get free layouts, and enjoy the best coc bh 9 bases.

If you are designing your builder hall 9 (bh9) COC layout, then it’s very important to know about every building, defense, and all other things available on bh9. Because these things are used in designing the bh9 layouts. We have covered all the max levels of bh9 buildings, their hit points, and other stats as well.

Note: bh9 Stands for builder hall9, Some people say it is a builder base as well. COC stands for Clash of Clans.



The following defenses and traps are unlocked at Builder Hall 9. All these things are also used in designing Builder hall 9 bases

BH lava launcher level 9

New Lava Launcher

BH B.O.B control level 1

New B.O.B Control

BH Walls level 9

20 Walls

BH reinforcement camp

1 Reinforcement Camp

BH fire crackers level 9

1 Firecracker

BH Spring Trap level 4

1 Spring Trap

BH mega mine level 9

1 Mega Mine


The following Heroes are available at Builder Hall 9.

BH battle copter

Battle Copter

BH battle machine

Battle Machine

Buildings Statistics Builder Hall 9

If we are copying the layouts of Builder Hall 9, we should know about the stats of everything available at BH9. It helps you to understand its design provided by us. We have added these stats from the Clash of Clans.


Here is the list of max level of all buildings on bh9

  • Max level of army camp at bh9.
  • Max level of builder barracks at bh9.
  • Max level of star laboratory at bh9.
  • Max level of the clock tower at bh9.
  • Max level of the reinforcement camp at bh9.
  • Max level of the healing hut at bh9.
  • Max level of the Otto’s outpost at bh9.
  • Max level of the B.O.B control at bh9.
NameMax LevelsHitpoints
Builder HallLevel 92450
Army Camp-300
Builder BarracksLevel 111300
Star LaboratoryLevel 92450
Clock TowerLevel 92450
Reinforcement Camp-300
Healing HutLevel 51000
OTTO’s OutpostLevel 92450
B.O.B ControlLevel 1250


Here is the list of max level of all defenses on bh9

  • Max level of walls at bh9.
  • Max level of archer tower at bh9.
  • Max level of cannon at bh9.
  • Max level of double cannon at bh9.
  • Max level of hidden tesla at bh9.
  • Max level of firecrackers at bh9.
  • Max level of crusher at bh9.
  • Max level of guard post at bh9.
  • Max level of air bombs at bh9.
  • Max level of multi-mortar at bh9.
  • Max level of roaster at bh9.
  • Max level of giant cannon at bh9.
  • Max level of mega tesla at bh9.
  • Max level of lava launcher at bh9.
NameMax LevelsHitpoints
WallsLevel 93050
Archer TowerLevel 91650
CannonLevel 91650
Double CannonLevel 91950
Hidden TeslaLevel 91000
FirecrackersLevel 91300
CrusherLevel 92600
Guard PostLevel 91000
Air BombsLevel 92600
Multi MortarLevel 91650
RoasterLevel 92350
Giant CannonLevel 92150
Mega TeslaLevel 92150
Lava LauncherLevel 91650


Here is the list of max level of all traps on bh9

  • Max level of push trap at bh9.
  • Max level of spring trap at bh9.
  • Max level of mine at bh9.
  • Max level of mega-mine at bh9.
NameMax LevelDamage
Push TrapLevel 924 (Spring Capacity)
Spring TrapLevel 48 (Spring Capacity)
MineLevel 9165
Mega MineLevel 9510


Here is the list of max level of all resources on bh9.

  • Max level of gem mine at bh9.
  • Max level of elixir collector at bh9.
  • Max level of elixir storage at bh9.
  • Max level of gold mine at bh9.
  • Max level of gold storage at bh9.
NameMax LevelHitpoints
Gem MineLevel 91000
Elixir CollectorLevel 91000
Elixir StorageLevel 92450
Gold MineLevel 91000
Gold StorageLevel 92450


Here is the list of max level of all heroes on bh9.

  • Max level of battle machine at bh9.
  • Max level of battle copter at bh9.
NameMax LevelHitpoints
Battle MachineLevel 305030
Battle CopterLevel 303318


Here is the list of max level of all troops on bh9

  • Max level of raged barbarian at bh9.
  • Max level of sneaky archer at bh9.
  • Max level of boxer giant at bh9.
  • Max level of beta minion at bh9.
  • Max level of bomber at bh9.
  • Max level of baby dragon at bh9.
  • Max level of cannon cart at bh9.
  • Max level of night witch at bh9.
  • Max level of drop ship at bh9.
  • Max level of power pekka at bh9.
  • Max level of hog glider at bh9.
NameMax LevelHitpoints
Raged BarbarianLevel 181072
Sneaky ArcherLevel 18420
Boxer GiantLevel 184930
Beta MinionLevel 18390
BomberLevel 181072
Baby DragonLevel 182358
Cannon CartLevel 181072
Night WitchLevel 181100
Drop ShipLevel 184525
Power P.E.K.K.ALevel 184719
Hog GliderLevel 181393

frequently asked questions

Builder Hall 9 unlocks the Lava Launcher. This powerful long-range splash damage defense is more effective against groups of troops. The lava launcher needs the best placement in BH9 layouts.

Place the Lava Launcher in the center of the base to cover a wide range and protect it from early destruction. Here it can target attacking troops coming from multiple sides.

Spreading out defenses like firecrackers, air bombs, and archer towers in a triangular pattern provide strong air coverage against minions and baby dragons.

Place the reinforcement camp in the middle of the base or near high-damage defenses like the lava launcher or mega tesla. The central position lets the defending troops target enemies more effectively.

Place crushers, mega tesla, and cannons in the center of the base and spread air-targeting defenses like air bombs, firecrackers, and archer towers can be effective against troop hog gliders.


If your Builder Hall level is 9 and you are looking for the updated and strategically designed bases, you can select any base from our collection and copy the design to your game with provided links. We are regularly adding new layouts which means you can get the new layouts after Clash of Clans new updates for Builder Hall 9. Moreover, we have added the stats of all the buildings used in the design so that you can easily understand placement of buildings in the layouts.


All these stats are taken from builder hall 9 of the official Clash of Clans game. We re-check all the content again when Clash of Clans launches new updates and provide you with new and updated stats.

Data on this page is the most trusted and authentic because it is collected directly from the game itself, not from any third party. The source from which we collect the data.

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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