
TH14 Hybrid Base - Clash of Clans Town Hall 14 Hybrid Bases 2025

Clash of Clans TH14 Hybrid Base are designed for your TH14 base. These layouts are designed by combining both strategies of the TH14 farming bases and TH14 defense bases. Both Townhall 14 defenses and its resources are focused.

Defense Working For Clash of Clans TH14 Hybrid Base

In this th14 hybrid base, (Hybrid Layout). The base design is divided into nine sections and four boxes. The townhall is placed in the middle of the layout with eagle artillery, clan castle, and some traps. The top and bottom sections of the townhall contain the grand warden, royal champion, bomb tower, inferno tower, scattershot, and hidden tesla.

The first two sections contain air defense, multi-mortar, X-bow, hidden tesla, and archer tower. The other two sections beside the townhall contain Inferno Tower, Archer Queen, barbarian king, hidden Tesla, and some resources.

Air defense, X-bow, bomb tower, mortar, and some traps with resources are placed in the last two sections. The boxes contain an archer tower, a wizard tower, and a pet house. All the remaining buildings are placed around the layout.

Note: TH14 stands for Town Hall 14, and COC stands for Clash of Clans [Game]. Copy the Best COC Hybrid Layouts TH14 with Links.

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In this article, I am sharing a demo of an attack on this base for better understanding.

Here are the steps for the complete attack on this base with the above army:

  1. Deploy flame flinger.
  2. Deploy super bowler.
  3. Deploy barbarian king.
  4. Deploy grand warden.
  5. Deploy royal champion.
  6. Cast a freeze spell.
  7. Cast healing spell
  8. Cast rage spell.

The attacker will deploy a flame flinger in the corner. It will destroy Archer Tower, mortar, and resources. He will also deploy heroes and remaining troops. He will cast a freeze spell on the townhall building. 

The royal champion will be killed by the inferno tower and X-bow. His army was damaged by the inferno tower so he will cast a healing and rage spell on his troops. The Super Bowler will destroy all the resources outside.

The grand warden will destroy the townhall and buildings around it. The grand warden and flame flinger will be killed by X-bows. The attacker will not be able to get three stars from the base.

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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