Only Townhall 4 can attack the Clash of Clans TH4 Hybrid Base. Two Elixirs Storages (Total Capacity: 500 000) and two Gold Storages (Total Capacity: 500 000) are placed inside and defenses outside around these storages. The opponent’s army of TH4 can’t reach the storage building with the good farming base strategy of TH4.
In this TH4 hybrid base, ( Defense, Anti Air, Hybrid Layout), we have designed this layout in two sections. The town hall is placed in the top corner section of the base along with a gold storage, two archer towers, an elixir collector, and two cannons. This section is secured by walls.
In the second section, an air defense, an elixir collector, a gold storage and a mortar are placed. This section is also secured by walls. All the remaining buildings including a laboratory, builders’ huts, army camps, elixir collectors, a clan castle, barracks and gold mines are placed outside the walls to confound the troops.
Note: TH4 stands for Town Hall 4, and COC stands for Clash of Clans [Game]. Copy the Best COC Hybrid Layouts TH4 with Links.
In this article, I am sharing a demo of an attack on this base for better understanding.
Attacker’s Troops
Here are the steps for the complete attack on this base with the above army:
With the above army, the attacker will deploy the barbarians near multiple buildings including gold mines, elixir collectors and some other buildings to attack and destroy them. Our defense buildings will start attacking them.
Our defense buildings including archer towers, mortars and cannons will do a great attack on the barbarians and destroy some of them. After that, he will deploy the goblins near the gold mines to collect the gold.
Our defense buildings including archer towers and cannons will do a defensive attack on the goblins and destroy them. Then, he will deploy the barbarian kickers near the outer buildings to make the attack vigorous. Barbarian kickers will attack the buildings with their football shots.
Our defense buildings will do a defensive attack on barbarian kickers and destroy them. His army will destroy the elixir collectors, gold mines, cannon, archer tower, a clan castle and some other resource buildings.
The army will do their best to enter the inner sections but our defenses will give them a tough time. Our defense buildings will strike against them and tear them down. As a result, the attacker will get nothing just because of our strong defense mechanism and good layout strategy.
My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.
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