
Sneak Peek #2 February Update 2025 - Clash of Clans


As expected, Clash of Clans released Sneak Peek#2 for February 2025 udpate through their content creators. New equipment for Minion Prince, A new Character, Changes in hard mode, Convert your resources vise versa, QOL (Quality of Life changes) and much more things are discussed. Soon Clash of Clans released the February update and all the players will be able to experience these updates in their game.

Metal Pants


It is a new hero equipment for Minion Prince. When using this ability in the attacks, it will show a growing circle around the minion prince and reduce the incoming damage. Its max level is 18. Here are the stats of Metal Pants at level 18:

Active Ability:

Ability Duration: 15s

Incoming Damage Reduction: 70%

Hero Boost:
Health Recovery: 2500

Hitpoint Increase: 1200

New-Hero-equipment for Minion Prince


We Got Alchemist & Metal Pants in Clash of Clans

It will convert our one resource to another. It costs a total of 5850 gems to max its level. It can be max at Town Hall 17. Its max level is 7. It can not be used continuously. There is always a 23 hours cooldown time after using it. It will be unlocked at Town Hall 11.


Enhancement in Wall upgradation

You will be able to select all walls for a specific level. If you have the walls mix of three different levels, then you can choose all the walls of a specific level.

New Walls upgrade control

New Cancellation in Forge

Crafting on forge can also be cancelled which was not available before.

Crafting Forge
Crafting Forge cancellation option

Changes in Hard Mode

New Hard Mode Stats:

WIP defenses deal 20% more damage. Defending Heroes’ damage and health are increased by 20%. Attacking heroes’ damage and health are decreased by 10%. Common equipment is capped to level 15 and epic equipment to level 21.

Old Hard Mode stats:
Defenses deal 5% more damage. Attacking heroes have 5% less HP and deal 5% less damage. Common equipment is capped to level 15 and epic equipment to level 21.

hardmode after

Quality of Life Changes

  • Removing Obstacles no longer requires a Builder.
  • Forge Jobs can now be cancelled.
  • When enabling Scout Mode in Village Edit Mode, the Tactical Overview will also be enabled.
  • In addition to Skins that can be purchased with Gems, the Choose Skin Screen will now also show Skins that can be bought with Real Money and League Medals.
  • Defending Clan Castle troops for Friendly Challenges and Legend League can now be set freely, and does no longer rely on the troops that are currently in your Clan Castle. Defending Troops are subjected to the limits of the donations you can normally receive, and will be the maximum possible level.
  • Reduce training time of Dragons, Minions, Hog Riders, Valkyries Golems, Witches, Lava Hounds, Bowlers, Baby Dragons, Yetis, Ice Golems, Electro Dragons, Inferno Dragons, Super Valkyries, Dragon Riders, Super Witches, Ice Hounds, Super Bowlers, Headhunters, Super Minions, Electro Titans, Apprentice Wardens, Super Hog Riders, Root Riders, Druids, Throwers.

Other changes

  • Adjust TH requirement for Archer Queen related Season Challenge tasks from TH9 to TH8.
  • Adjust TH requirement for finding Archer Queen equipment and skins in chests from TH9 to TH8.
  • Add new Decos, Skins and Equipment to chest rewards.
  • Adjust Clan Capital matchmaking for legacy clans who have less Capital upgrades than would be required to reach their CH level. For matchmaking purposes their upgrade count will be floored to the minimum required for their current CH level.
  • Hero equipment can be sold in the League Medal Shop.

             1: There is a “new” indicator when a new piece of equipment is added to the shop.

            2: Items that players cannot afford aren’t grayed out in the League Medal Shop anymore. Instead the price amount is colored red. Also players not meeting the minimum league limit for an item doesn’t cause graying out.

  • “Goblin King” character render has been updated.
  • Added a button in settings to access the Chest drop rates info page.
  • Added a counter that shows the number of remaining Chests (if it’s not the last one) in the Chest opening screen.
  • Added haptic feedback to Chest tapping in Chest opening screen.
  • Bloom effect in change skin / skin preview screen on devices with high and medium gfx settings (with separate kill switch for medium devices).



A big update is coming in February 2025. Clash of Clans is cooking the things and releasing the information through their content creators. Sneak Peek #2 february update 2025 is also a preview of the upcoming update in Clash of Clans game. Soon Clash of Clans will release the update for the players to experience it in their game.

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Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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