
Clash of Clans Mirror Clone Technique - Anime Season 2024

Clash of Clans Mirror Clone Technique - Anime Season 2024

Clash of Clans introduced a new challenge in the August Anime season giving a wonderful feature to Archer Queen a “Mirror Clone Technique”. This challenge is available in the event section of the game. You can also use two fresh guest troops to attack this challenging base and win rewards.

Mirror Clone Technique Rewards:

  • 25 Gems
  • 1 Research Potion
  • 400 XP Points
mirror challange attack

Challenging Mirror Layout Details

When you click to attack for mirror clone technique, you see the townhall at the center of the base along with the clan caste and two air sweepers. Two scattershots, multi-archer towers, and ricochet cannons are also here to protect the townhall. A gold storage and a dark elixir storage are placed between the ricochet cannons.

Walls are arranged to design two separate compartments in the shape of a mirror. 1st compartment has the Grand warden and multiple inferno towers. 2nd compartment has the Archer Queen with X-bows and wizard towers.

An elixir storage is in the top corner of the base between cherry blossom trees and the whole remaining village base is full of trees and decorations.

Mirror Clone Technioque Layout

Mirror Clone Technique Available Army

Clash of Clans has introduced two new guest anime troops for this challenge. Three Mecha, seven Broom Witchs, heroes with their pets, troops, and spells can be used to attack the mirror base.

How to get 3 Stars Mirror Clone Technique Challenge

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First of all, deploy a broom witch near the wizard tower from the clan castle side. By doing this the defending troops will come outside th clan castle. Cast a skeleton spell on the elixir storage, and all the head hunters will follow them. Then you have to cast a poison spell and a freeze spell on them.

Deploy a broom witch near the second wizard tower. Broom witch will easily destroy this wizard tower. Now deploy the Archer Queen with a unicorn and a Golem from the same side near ricochet cannons.

Challenge base defenses will target Golem and Archer Queen and here is the time to use the mirror clone ability. This will make two more Archer Queen clones.

Cast invisibility spells on Archer Queen and her clones one by one not letting them be visible to the enemy. Cast rage spell near them. They will reach the townhall and destroy it. Here inferno towers will be active and archer queen clones will lose their power.

Now you have to deploy the Grand Warden and mecha from the side where hidden teslas are activated. Deploy remaining broom witches to damage ricochet cannons. All these troops will perfectly destroy the base.

Before they lose power cast a rage spell on them and let them do more damage. This attacking strategy will help you win three stars and get the promised rewards by Clash of Clans.

mirror challange attack claim
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Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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