Clash of Clans clarified that the purpose of removing the legendary hero skin from Gold Pass was just to find whether players bought it for exclusive skins or other rewards. It was a major topic because this change brought a wave through the game community. Officials realized the decision was a mistake, and after getting feedback, they placed the skin again on the gold pass track along with additional rewards. They admitted their error in communication and promised to be more transparent in the future.
They explained that the idea was to make exclusive items accessible to all townhall level players. For example, if the gold pass offers a legendary hero skin for the Royal Champion, lower town hall level players must wait a long time to apply it. The motive wasn’t wrong but the execution went wrong actually.
The legendary scenery will be released 3 to 4 times a year and in the months when it doesn’t appear, there will be regular sceneries. This is because being exclusive and expensive, players would not want to switch it quickly.
Another important question was asked here “Can we expect something similar for Skins?”. The Clash of Clans team member approved and shared a potential idea of having Mythic-tier Skins but they have some plans to be done before this.
They are going to add Emotes to express the player’s situation after attacking or defending the base, not just in the chat. It means we can expect more fun and adventure coming to the game in 2025.
The reward strategy in Clash of Clans remained fair and transparent for 12 years but sometimes it becomes boring. Randomization is a superb idea to add some fun and make the reward more exciting. The officials don’t want to completely switch the reward system so they released a temporary event for this.
Finding the real treasure chest and getting an epic or legendary one is a fantastic idea because it is accessible to everyone even for free-to-play players. Players had to wait for the Treasure Hunt Event but they liked and enjoyed it so much.
The officials also talk about the future plans regarding the chest schedule. Some players are thinking of it to be sold as loot boxes but they clarify that this is just a sort of fun and engagement in the game and not for monetization at all.
They shared the idea of chests that may be event-specific or cosmetic-specific, maybe they add them to the silver reward track or some challenges. They also talk about the chest drop rates.
It was amazing to hear about townhall 17. The officials were excited about upcoming fresh content including townhall 17, new events, updates, and much more. They want to make things more social like they said last time it was clan games and now they are working on such new ideas.
They don’t share any finalized plan for this but one thing is clear it’s going to be super fun in the end of 2024 and the next year 2025. They officially announced big moments are coming soon.
The game designer was asked why they had included hero equipments for nerfs and buffs during the last update. The officials explained things like players destroying the entire base by using heroes’ abilities and sometimes by deploying just heroes with no troops. Things were going to be easier for higher town hall levels so, they had to address the strength of heroes.
They felt the need to balance between heroes and troops. Buffing the defenses was a solution but it would be a problem for players who didn’t have max-level equipments yet and also they would have other issues in attacks. Buffing the troops was another idea but it would cause more ease for higher townhall players.
So they released some buffs in hero equipments for the first time ever in the game which is also understandable for players.
Finding balance is sometimes difficult so these nerfs and buffs are not going to be regular but will be applied when needed eventually. They mentioned that balancing changes takes time because they have to observe the hit rate and use rate of these changes. This involves collecting data from the live game, which is sometimes lengthy, as players need to upgrade and then utilize the newly changed elements and then they count their impacts.
They also revealed that a new Hero Equipment is on its way to the game that is going to be super strong to get players even more excited. But they also committed to keeping things balanced and not making them overpowered, which is definitely a great thought.
Although they are delicious players are curious to know the reason for launching such incredible items in the game. The officials made it simple telling that they want to create a more player-friendly experience. This is because experimenting with new items you haven’t unlocked yet, reinforcing yourself, deploying heroes while upgrading, or exploring exciting things in the battles was out of reach.
Clan Castle Cake, Power Pancakes, Mighty Morsel, and all other magic snacks are especially for engaging players more amazingly. The officials also discussed the availability of magic snacks. They said these are different from magic items so that players can use them quickly instead of saving them for later.
Clash of Clans team members asked the game community for some ideas to place the magic snacks in the game other than treasure hunt chests. They have a lot more ideas for new recipes for magic snacks but they admitted that more superb ideas in the Clash of Clans are just from the community.
They want to get feedback for current magic snacks and involve the players in upcoming ones in the future. No matter how crazy it might sound, they would love to hear it.
In a recent podcast, a Clash of Clans team member mentioned some bigger features, townhall 17 expected at the end of 2024, quality-of-life mprovements, increasing the progression, and reducing upgrade times in upcoming updates. All of these are not fixed but they are thinking about them.
Players can also expect new content in Builder Base and Clan Capital. The townhall 17 will be more challenging but not overly difficult. There are many bugs with the latest updates but the team is working to overcome them and commit to minimizing issues.
The officials didn’t confirm but they gave a hint of launching something like Mashup Madness around Halloween and the Unlimited Heroes again in 2025 whether as an event or as a reward in magic snacks.
Inside The Builder’s Hut let us know many valuable insights of the Clash of Clans. This episode made things more clear about game development, the challenges faced, and the commitment to a player-friendly approach. The Clash of Clans aims to be more transparent and keep the balance between monetization and players’ satisfaction.
This also gives some clues about what will 2025 bring for the game. Clash of Clans always tries to bring fun for all players whether paying or free-to-play. The goal is to make Clash of Clans a game that lasts 20, 30, or even 40 more years and is remembered forever.
Data on this page is the most trusted and authentic because it is collected directly from the Clash of Clans official posts, not from any third party. We have attached links for those posts.
David: Product Manager
Petri: Game Designer
Rafael: UX Designer
Vlad: Community Manager
My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.
bases-coc.com is unofficial and is not endorsed by Supercell. For more information see Supercell’s Fan Content Policy.
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