
Mini Spotlight Event - March 11, 2025 Clash of Clans

mini spotlight event march 2025, clash of clans main banner

Mini Spotlight Event March 2025 Clash of Clans is released on March 11, 2025. You can earn stars in multiplayer battles to earn ice cubes which can be used to purchase different things from trader’s shop. In this Mini Spotlight Event March 2025, you can enjoy super troops, earn different resources, getting heroes’ skin and much more. Let’s explore this event.

It is an official video published by the Clash of Clans game on their youtube channel.

Mini Spotlight Event Duration:

March 11, 2025 to March 16, 2025.
End In:
mini spotlight event march 2025, clash of clans

Event Free Track

You can see this track in the game during this event. This track is available for every COC player. They can enjoy the perks of this free track. You can see details below:

Mini Event Pass Track (Paid)

You can see this track in the game during this event. This track is available for those players who purchase mini event pass. They can enjoy the perks of this premium track. You can see details below:

Mini Spotlight Event Resource - Ice Cubes

super ice bath tub

In this special event, a temprary resource unlocks. It is different then the other resources as it does not have any storage building. When you will attack on the other players, you can earn these ice cubes. You can earn upto 200 ice cubes in an attack but with the following formula:

  1. On One star damage = 160 ice cubes (80%)
  2. Two stars damage = 190 ice cubes (An addition of 30 ice cubes: 15%)
  3. Complete destruction – 3 stars = 200 ice cubes (An addition of 10 ice cubes: 5%)

You can earn 40 extra ice cubes bonus if you will use super minion.

Super Minion - Mini Spotlight Event Troop

During this event, Clash of Clans unlock the super minion free of cost. So you don’t need to use Dark Elixir or super potion to unlock it.

super minion mini spot event march 2025

Bonus Rewards

If you have collected all the rewards from the event track but there is more time and you can collect more ice cubes, there is a bonus track to earn extra Super Medals. Keep collecting ice cubes Chief!

Every player can collect a total of 550 Super Medals from the free event reward track and 1,900 Super Medals from event pass reward track.

Trader’s Shop

During this event, An additional mini shoptlight appears under trader shop that allow you to purchase potions, heroes skins and other things. You can check all the available event deals from the following:

Event Deals

Mini Spotlight


Raid Medals


Mini Spotlight Available Hero Skins

This event has brought 4 skins for heroes. You are able to purchase them with the medals. Ice cubes give you medals which are also free. There is a limit on getting medals. Total medals that can be claimed from the free track is 550 and for the mini event pass track is 1900.

After completing the track which is 3950 ice cubes, a bonus track will unlock. If you keep attacking in game and collecting ice cubes, you will be able to get more medals from this bonus. Due to limited medals, you are to purchase only one skin.

Warrior King

warrior king skin

Warrior Queen

warrior queen - skin

Shadow Warden

shadow warden skin

Primal Champion

primal champion skin


Clsah of Clans new mini spotlight event of march 2025 is live. You can enjoy the game with the new free things that can boost your game. Make your game more fun and enjoy the heroes skins as well.

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