
Town Hall 17 New Update released for Clash of Clans creators [Latest Update]

Town Hall 17 New Update
Clash of Clans is always trying to adopt new ways to launch new updates. This time, they have chosen a different approach to increase the excitement for the Clashers. After giving many clues and sneak peeks, now Town Hall 17 is officially released for the Clash of Clans creators.Town Hall 17 is out and we are going to see all the new levels, features, changes and upgrades in this sneak peak. So in this new update of Town hall 17, you are going to see much more new stuff about TH17 which will be going to be released at the end of november 2024 or at the start of december 2024.

Town Hall 17 Released in Clash of Clans

Yes, you heard it right. Town Hall 17 new update is out. You can see the TH17 for the first time officially in Clash of Clans (COC) but only for the creators. 

Town Hall 17

For upgrading to Town Hall Level 17, you need to merge Eagle Artillery and Single Start Town Hall 16. Also you can see a note when you will do it:

The Eagle Artillery will be merged into the Town Hall to start this upgrade. This action cannot be undone.

There is an eagle icon or you can say it an eagle shape on the town hall 17 building.

Update to Town Hall 17

It costs you 20 000 000 gold and 15 days to upgrade to level 17. At th17, stats are also increased as it is the upgraded level. You can update Town Hall up to five stars unlike Town Hall 16 where you have only one star. I have attached the screenshots of all the levels of New Town Hall 17. You can also say that these are the levels of inferno artillery which is the weapon inside Town Hall building.

Inferno Artillery Clash of Clans 2 stars
Inferno Artillery Clash of Clans 3 stars
Inferno Artillery Clash of Clans 4 stars
Inferno Artillery Clash of Clans 5 stars

There will be two screens of the stats of this new Town Hall. In first mode, You can see the stats and just the image of the Town Hall building and in the second screen, you can see the stats and image of the active weapon in the town hall building.

Town Hall 17 New Update released for Clash of Clans creators
Upgraded Townhall 17 with Weapon
Town Hall Level 17 Clash of Clans
Image of Five Stars Town Hall Level 17 without weapon

Image of Five Stars Town Hall Level 17 without weapon

th17 Inferno Artillery active

Town Hall 17 inferno artillery targets up to four troops and the it’s effect of the target area remains up to 6.8 seconds. If any other troops come to that area, they will also get damaged. Each shot causes 78 damage per second. Range of Town Hall 17 is 12 tiles. One unique thing in this level is: If your Town Hall Level 17 is destroyed, it will not cause damage when destroyed unlike Town Hall 16 which causes damage when destroyed.

New Levels and New Unlocks at Town Hall 17

New Level of Barrack

barracks new level 18

You will be able to upgrade your barrack to level 18. It means there is a new troop unlocked. But at this stage, Clash of Clans did not release the full view of the new troop in this update. There are two spears on the top of the barrack. The color and theme of the barrack is according to this new Town Hall.

New Level of Spell Factory

Spell Factory Level 8 at th17 base

You will be able to upgrade your spell Factory to level 8. I hope you understand what it means. It means a new spell is added on this new Town Hall. But we are unable to see the exact spell in this update.

New Levels of Resource Storages

gold storage new level 18
Elixir Storage new level 18
dark elixir storage new level 11

New levels of Gold Storage, Dark Elixir Storage and Elixir Storages are added. There are spikes on these buildings and colors are the same as the theme of the Town Hall 17. So you can Upgrade the Gold Storage and Elixir Storages to level 18. Capacities of Gold and Elixir storages increased up to: 5250000 +250000.

Dark Elixir storage can be upgraded to level 11 and its storage capacity increased up to: 360000 + 10000. Spikes are also on this new level of dark elixir storage building.

New Level of Laboratory

laboratory level 15 at th17

Waoo, A new level of laboratory is added. The theme and color of the laboratory is similar to the town hall 17 building. There is a book on the top of the laboratory building. The new level of laboratory is 15. The following troops can be upgraded to the next level.

New Level of Troops


Giant can be upgraded from level 12 to level 13. 

  • Hitpoints: 2400+2-00.
  • Damage Per Second: 94 + 8.

The shoulders of giant become yellowish.

Upgrade Giant to New level 13
Upgrade Giant to New level 13

Wall Breaker

Wall Breaker can be upgraded from level 12 to level 13. 

  • Hitpoints: 150 + 10.
  • Damage: 110 + 8.
  • Damage when destroyed: 66 + 6.
Upgrade Wall Breaker to New level 13
Upgrade Wall Breaker to New level 13


Wizard can be upgraded from level 12 to level 13. 

  • Hitpoints: 290 + 20
  • Damage per second: 275 + 15
Upgrade Wizard to New level 13
Upgrade Wizard to New level 13


Dragon can be upgraded from level 11 to level 12. 

  • Hitpoints: 5300 + 400
  • Damage per Second: 390 + 20

Dragon is looking strong. There is a yellowish/golden color in the wings of the dragons.

Upgrade Dragon to New level 12
Upgrade Dragon to New level 12

Baby Dragon

Baby Dragon can be upgraded from level 10 to level 11. 

  • Hitpoints: 2100 + 100
  • Damage Per Second: 165 + 10

Same like dragon, yellow/golden color is added to the wings of the baby dragon.

Upgrade Baby Dragon to New level 11
Upgrade Baby Dragon to New level 11

Electro Dragon

Electro Dragon can be upgraded from level 7 to level 8.

  • Hitpoints: 5500 + 300
  • Damage when Destroyed: 750 + 60
  • Damage per Second: 420 + 30

Look of the electro dragon has changed. There is a yellow/golden band on its neck. Its tail is also yellowish.

Upgrade Electo Dragon to New level 8
Upgrade Electo Dragon to New level 8

Dragon Rider

Dragon Rider can be upgraded from level 4 to level 5. 

  • Hitpoints: 5000 + 300
  • Damage when Destroyed: 1000 + 100
  • Damage per Second: 430 + 30

Same like other troops, yellowish/golden color (a part of the town hall theme) is also added into the head and wing of the dragon of the dragon rider.

Upgrade Dragon Rider to New level 5
Upgrade Dragon Rider to New level 5


Minion can be upgraded from level 12 to level 13. 

  • Hitpoints: 120 + 6
  • Damage per Second: 78 + 4

Yellow/golden color is added to the wings of the minion.

Upgrade Minion to New level 13
Upgrade Minion to New level 13

Super Troops

All those troops which have the super troops version and get new level in the laboratory, they also get a new level in their super version. Like super version of the dragon:

super dragon level 12
super dragon level 11

New Level of Spells

Lightning Spell

Lightning spell level is increased from 11 to level 12. 

  • Total Damage: 640 + 40
Upgrade lightning Spell to New level 12

Healing Spell

Healing spell level is increased from level 10 to level 11.

  • Total Troops Heal: 2400 + 200
  • Total Hero Heal: 1320 + 110
Upgrade Healing Spell to New level 11

Recall Spell

The Level of Recall spell is increased from 5 to level 6.

  • Recall Capacity: 107 + 6
Upgrade Recall Spell to New level 6

New Level of Siege Machine

New Level of Battle Drill

The level of Battle Drill is increased from level 4 to level 5.

  • Hitpoints: 5500 + 300
  • Damage Per Second: 550 + 40
Upgrade Battle Drill to New level 5
Upgrade Battle Drill to New level 5


You will get level 18 walls here. Yes, you heard it right. You can upgrade your level 17 walls to level 18 at Town Hall 17.
Hitpoints: 14500 + 1000
Right now, its cost is: 8 000 000 gold/elixir. Color of the wall is dark and yellowish/golden. It is the same color as the theme of the town hall 17. There is a book + wings on the walls.

Upgrade Walls to New level 18

New Levels of Traps

  • One more Giant Bomb.
  • One more seeking air mine.


You can upgrade the bomb to level  13. It cost 10 000 000 gold and eight days to upgrade. The look is amazing. The color of the bomb is dark, which one the theme color.

  • Damage: 185
bomb max level 13

Air Bomb

You can upgrade the air bomb from level 11 to level 12. It cost 11 000 000 gold and eight days and 12 hours to upgrade. 

  • Damage: 375 + 25

Look is not much different. You can ignore the changes in the look because it’s not much noticeable unlike the updated look of the bomb.

Upgrade Air Bomb to New level 12

Seeking Air Bomb

You can upgrade the seeking air bomb from level 6 to level 7. It cost 14 000 000 gold and ten days to upgrade. 

  • Damage: 3000 + 200

The look is different from the previous level. There is a small but noticeable change in its look.

Upgrade Seeking Air Mine to New level 7

Giant Bomb

You can upgrade the giant bomb from level 10 to level11. It cost 12 000 000 gold and nine days to upgrade. 

  • Damage: 450 + 25

The look is different from the previous level. This new look is amazing. I personally love it.

Upgrade Giant Bomb to new level 11


It unlocks for the first time at this level. Unlike other bombs and hidden traps, it is visible. It cost 5 000 000 gold.  It has unique properties. To trip the GIGA BomB, there should be 18 housing space troops (Air + Ground) then it will trigger. Its max level is three. Damage is 1300 and area of effect is: 4.5tiles. The new thing in this bomb is: It pushes the troops up in the air and then they come back on the ground.

giga bomb
Giga Bomb level 1
Upgrade Giga Bomb to level 3
Upgrade Giga Bomb to level 3

New Levels of Heroes

Five levels are added to all the current four heroes. 

  1. Five levels are added to the Barbarian King. You can upgrade from level 95 to 100.
barbarain king new level 100 with stats

Comparison of Barbarian King of level 95 and level 100.

  • Hitpoints: 12100 (625 increased)
  • Damage per Second: 643 (35 increased)
  • Regeneration Time: 48 (10 increased)
  • Health Recovery: 2950 (150 increased)


2. Five levels are added to the Archer Queen. You can upgrade from level 95 to 100.

archer queen new level 100 with stats

Comparison of Archer Queen of level 95 and level 100.

  • Hitpoints: 3336 (120 increased)
  • Damage per Second: 780 (15 increased)
  • Regeneration Time: 48 (10 increased)
  • Health Recovery: 425 (150 increased)

3. Five levels are added to the Grand Warden. You can upgrade from level 70 to 75.

grand warden new level 75 with stats

Comparison of Grand Warden of level 70 and level 75.

  • Hitpoints: 2499 (85 increased)
  • Damage per Second: 324 (15 increased)
  • Regeneration Time: 48 (11 increased)
  • Health Recovery: 265 (9 increased)


4. Five levels are added to the Royal Champion. You can upgrade from level 45 to 50

royal champion new level 50 stats

Comparison of Royal Champion of level 45 and level 50.

  • Hitpoints: 4168 (130 increased)
  • Damage per Second: 560 (15 increased)
  • Regeneration Time: 48 (10 increased)
  • Health Recovery: 1400 (100 increased)

Change in Heroes Altar

There is a new change in the altar of the heroes. There are flags on the altar of each hero. The flag represents the identity of the heroes.

Barbarian King New Altar at th17
Archer Queen New Altar at th17
Grand Warden New Altar at th17
Royal Champion New Altar at th17

New Level of Clan Castle

Clan Castle can be upgraded from level 12 to level 13. Its look and the color is the same as the theme of Town Hall 17. 

  • Hitpoints: 5600 + 200
  • Troops Capacity: 50+ 5
clan castle new level 13

New Level of Defenses

Right now, there are five defenses which have new levels after upgrading your town hall 16 to level 17.

Air Defense

AIr defense can be upgraded from level 14 to level 15. Waooo amazing. Visual Look is totally changed. It cost you around 21 000 000 gold to upgrade. 

  • Hitpoints: 1850 + 100
  • Damage Per Second: 600 + 50

After upgrading, you will be able to supercharge air defense up to level two of supercharge.

  • Damage Per Second: 690

Amazing. I love this new change and look.

air defense new level 15
upgrade air defense to level 15
air defense level 15 supercharge

Bomb Tower

Bomb Tower can be upgraded from level 11 to level 12. Look is totally changed. Colors are same as the theme of the new Town hall color.

  • Hitpoints: 2700 + 200
  • Damage Per Second: 104 + 10
  • Damage when Destroyed: 600 + 50

After upgrading, you will be able to supercharge bomb tower up to level two of supercharge.

  • Hitpoints: 3000
  • Damage Per Second: 119
bomb tower new level 12
upgrade bomb tower to level 12
bomb tower level 12 and supercharge

Wizard Tower

Wizard Tower can be upgraded from level 16 to level 17. Look is totally changed. Colors are same as the theme of the new Town hall colors.

  • Hitpoints: 3150 + 150
  • Damage Per Second: 102 + 8

After upgrading, you will be able to supercharge Wizard Tower up to level two of supercharge.

  • Hitpoints: 3300 + 75
  • Damage Per Second: 110 + 4
wizard tower new level 17
Upgrade Wizard Tower to level 17
supercharge wizard tower to charge level 2

Ricochet Cannon

Ricochet Cannon can be upgraded from level 2 to level 3. Look is totally changed. Colors are same as the theme of the new Town hall color.

  • Hitpoints: 5700 + 300
  • Damage Per Second: 390 + 15

After upgrading, you will be able to supercharge Ricochet Cannon up to level two of supercharge.

  • Hitpoints: 6000 + 150
  • Damage Per Second: 405 + 8
recochet cannon new level 3
upgrade ricochet cannon to level 3
supercharge ricochet cannon to charge level 2

Multi Archer Tower

Multi Archer Tower can be upgraded from level 2 to level 3. Look is totally changed. Colors are same as the theme of the new Town hall colors.

  • Hitpoints: 5200 + 200
  • Damage Per Second: 130 + 10

After upgrading, you will be able to Multi Archer Tower up to level two of supercharge.

  • Hitpoints: 5400 + 100
  • Damage Per Second: 140 + 5
Multi archer tower new level 3
upgrade multi archer tower to level 3
Supercharge multi archer tower to Charge level 2

QOL (Quality Of Life Changes)

  • The most important change is: The Archer Queen will be unblocked at Town Hall 8 after the official release of the new update. Right now Archer Queen unlocks at Town Hall 9. 
  • Cost reduction will be implemented on the lowest level of Town Halls. After that, you will be able to upgrade things with less resources as compared to the current cost.

Cost and Time Reductions for Structures

Town Hall LevelGoldElixirDark ElixirUpgrade Time
TH8-180K-0--12 hours
TH9-2M-0--4 days 6 hours
TH10-5.6M-0--4 days 20 hours
TH11-6.5M-500K--9 days 3 hours
TH12-64M-13M--17 days
TH13-218M-0--27 days
TH14-257M-9.6M--37 days
TH15-379M-30M-30K-41 days
TH16-299M-21M-90K-59 days

Cost and Time Reductions for Laboratory Research

Town Hall LevelElixirDark ElixirUpgrade Time
TH8-200K-34K-3 days
TH9-1M-115K-14 days
TH10-3.5M-135K-29 days
TH11-7.2M-312K-26 days
TH12-26M-923K-47 days
TH13-39M-783K-54 days
TH14-85M-1.1M-54 days
TH15-94M-1.7M-72 days
TH16-79M-1.8M-88 days

Cost and Time Reductions for Heroes

Town Hall LevelElixirDark ElixirUpgrade Time
TH8--68K-1 day
TH9--389K-8 days
TH10--135K-3 days
TH11-1M-195K-2 days 20 hours
TH12-0-870K-9 days 4 hours
TH13-0-2.2M-8 days 17 hours
TH14-0-389K-1 day 12 hours
TH15-0-1.2M-1 day 6 hours

Cost and Time Reductions for Pets

Town Hall LevelDark ElixirUpgrade Time
TH14-1.5M-39 days
TH15-2.4M-71 days
TH16-1.5M-1 day

Cost and Time Reductions for Walls

Town Hall LevelGoldElixir

Non-Official Video About Town Hall 17 from one of the top Content Creator of Clash of Clans.


My team has followed the non-official content creators of the Clash of Clans to get this information from their youtube channels.

Source 01

Source 02

Source 03


Town Hall 17 is about to released. Everyone is excited to look at the Town Hall 17 building, its features, new unlock, new upgrades and many other things. Clash of Clans has given access some features of the Town Hall 17 to their verified content creators. Content creators never hide anything from their audiance. This time, when they got the Town Hall 17 Limited features non-officially, they have instantly shared them with their audiance. We have covered comprehensively all the newly leaked and provided content of Town Hall 17 from the best and top content creators of Clash of Clans. 

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Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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