
The Treasure Hunt Event March 2025 - Clash of Clans

Treasure Hunt Event March 2025 Clash of Clans

The Treasure Hunt event has arrived and is going to start at 8 AM UTC March 17, 2025. There are many changes in this Treasure hunt event of March 2025. New bonus, skins rewards and new rules for more fun. Let’s explore everything.

The Treasure Hunt Event Duration:

March 17, 2025 to March 24, 2025.
End In:
Table of Contents

How It Works

How It Works

You will be able to collect chest from March 17, 2025 from multiplayer battles. It does not matter what your Town Hall level and in which league you are currently in. When you enter into the multiplayer battle, you will see three chests. You don’t need to complete 100% attack to get these chests. If you have got all the three chests, you can leave the attack.

There is one interesting thing in these chests. There is only one real chest which will give you a reward and the other two are empty chests. When you get the real chest, it shows a tick on it, otherwise a cross on empty chests.

When the attack completes, you can see the “Claim Reward” option if you got the actual chest of reward during attack.

Types of Chests

Types of Chests

There are four types of chests that you can find from the multiplayer battles.

  1. Common
  2. Rare
  3. Epic
  4. Legendary

You can hit your chest four times during the reward claiming to open them. Here are the chest rarity rates:

  • Common: 58% chance
  • Rare: 32% chance
  • Epic: 8% chance
  • Legendary: 2% chance

These percentages show how many % chances to find these chests. Each chest has their own perks and reward list.

Available Hero Skins and Equipments:

These are the premium hero skins and equipment which are normally paid. But these skins and equipment are now put inside the chests. On your luck, you can get them free from these chests.

Barbarian KingArcher QueenGrand WardenRoyal Champion
Gladiator KingGladiator QueenParty WardenWinter Champion
P.E.K.K.A KingValkyrie QueenPrimal WardenRogue Champion
Skeleton KingAutumn QueenClockwork WardenGladiator Champion
Jolly KingIce QueenGladiator WardenShadow Champion
Primal KingPrimal QueenPirate WardenParty Champion
Clockwork KingClockwork QueenWarden of the NorthPirate Champion
Party KingPirate QueenJungle WardenWarrior Champion
Pirate KingRogue QueenWarden MasterGhost Champion
Rogue KingJungle QueenJolly WardenChampions Champion
Jungle KingParty QueenWarrior WardenArmored Machine
Golem KingShadow QueenSummer Warden
Shadow KingMiner QueenDark Ages Warden
Clash Fest KingSummer QueenFuture Warden
Beast KingSpooky QueenGingerbread Warden
Dark Ages KingJolly Queen
Goblin KingGoblin Queen
King of the NorthChess Queen
Hero Equipments
Giant Gauntlet
Frozen Arrow
Spiky Ball
Rocket Spear
Magic Mirror
Lavaloon Puppet
Electro Boots

Number of Chests

You have a total of 8 days for this chest event. Each day you will get up to 3 chest boxes. If you miss the three chest boxes on the first day, you will be able to get six chest boxes on the second day if you keep playing multiplayer attacks. Even if you miss all days but just play on the last day of the chest event, then you can get all missed 24 chests in a single last day. You can get only one chest box in one multiplayer attack. For 24 chests, you have to attack 24 chests.


The Treasure Hunt event chest is here which starts at March 17, 2025 8 AM UTC. You can enjoy this event in COC by unlocking premium perks, skins, equipment and much more. There are slight changes in this event which are discussed in detail in this article.

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Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson

My name is Michael Johnson. I am playing Clash of Clans game since 2015. I am the leader of a clan (My clan name is: Most Wanted) and also managing a team of 150 people who are running more than 10,000 accounts. We are the one who have seen all the ups and downs of this game.

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